April 14, 2016
2128 Lyon St, Pacific Heights
2,712 square foot High peaked Colonial Revival style home built in 1904. Last sold for $68K in 1969. Current estimates value the property at $3.1 million.
Assessed at $147,975 Property Taxes $1,737.67 (Prop 13 beneficiary)
Interesting bit of Trivia from Who's Who in California (Volume 1942-43, page 212)
Home Address: 2128 Lyon St., San Francisco, Calif.
TRUBY, Brigadier General Albert E..
U.S.Army, B.S., M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.M.A.
Medical Officer, U.S. Army (retired).
Born: Otto (N.Y.). July 18, 1871; s. of Minnie
(Ackerman) and John Truby.
Education: Cornell University; Univ. of Penn.
Degrees: B.S., 1894 and M.D., 1897, Univ. of Penn.
Married: Elizabeth Downing in San Leandro
(Calif.), April 26. 1906 (granddaughter of
the late Socrates Huff, a Calif. Pioneer); ch.:
Elizabeth, Mrs. Barbara Truby LaGarde, John
Army Record: Commissioned in Medical Corps
U.S. Army, July 23. 1898. as a First Lieut.;
promoted through all grades to Brig. General,
Jan. 1. 1933; served in Spanish-American War
in Cuba, and Chief Health Officer (Panama
Canal), during World War I; retired, Aug. 1,
Memberships: Fellow, Amer. Coll. of Sur-
geons, Fellow, Amer. Med. Assn.; Mason.
Religion: Protestant.
Politics: Republican.
Recreations: Golf, fishing.